The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36: 975–991. [PDF]
Distribution models calibrated with independent field data predict two million ancient and veteran trees in England Ecological Applications, 32: e2695. [PDF]
The effect of agri-environment schemes on Bombus terrestris colony success Ecological Entomology, 47: 911-914. [PDF]
Solving sampling bias problems in presence-absence or presence-only species data using zero-inflated models Journal of Biogeography, 49: 215-232. [PDF]
Teaching statistics to non-specialists: challenges and strategies for success Journal of Further and Higher Education, 10.1080/0309877X.2021.1879744: . [PDF]
Historical maps confirm the accuracy of zero-inflated model predictions of ancient tree abundance in English wood-pastures Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 2661–2672. [PDF]
Mapping the evolution of accurate Batesian mimicry of social wasps in hoverflies Evolution, 75: 2802-2815. [PDF]
Seasonal patterns in habitat use by the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) and other small mammals Mammalia, 85: 325-335. [PDF]
Growth impacts in a changing ocean: insights from two coral reef fishes in an extreme environment Coral Reefs, 40: 433-446. [PDF]
Pre- and post-copulatory traits working in concert: Sexual dichromatism in passerines is associated with sperm morphology Biology Letters, 16: 20190568. [PDF]
Behavioural traits and feeding ecology of Mediterranean lionfish and native species naiveté to lionfish predation Marine Ecology Progress Series, 638: 123-135. [PDF]
Modelling terrestrial reptile species richness, distributions and habitat suitability in Saudi Arabia Journal of Arid Environments, 178: 104153. [PDF]
Application of the Random Encounter Model in citizen science projects to monitor animal densities Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 6: 514-528. [PDF]
The Ancient Tree Inventory: a summary of the results of a 15 year citizen science project recording ancient, veteran and notable trees across the UK Biodiversity and Conservation, 29: 3103-3129. [PDF]
Spatial and seasonal patterns of communal latrine use by spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) reflect a seasonal resource-defense strategy Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 120. [PDF]
The influence of thermal extremes on coral reef fish behaviour in the Arabian/Persian Gulf Coral Reefs, 39: 733-744. [PDF]
Extinction risk and conservation gaps for Aloe (Asphodelaceae) in the Horn of Africa Biodiversity and Conservation, 29: 77–98. [PDF]
Discrete or indiscrete? Redefining the colour polymorphism of the land snail Cepaea nemoralis Heredity, 123: 162–175. [PDF]
The significance of prey avoidance behavior for the maintenance of a predator color polymorphism Behavioral Ecology, 30: 240-248. [PDF]
Which traits do observers use to distinguish Batesian mimics from their models? Behavioral Ecology, 28: 460–470. [PDF]
Live-trapping in the stalk zone of tall grasses as an effective way of monitoring harvest mice (Micromys minutus) European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62: 241–245. [PDF]
Mother–offspring recognition via contact calls in cattle, Bos taurus Animal Behaviour, 114: 147–154. [PDF]
Genome-wide methylation analysis identifies genes silenced in non-seminoma cell lines NPJ Genomic Medicine, 1: 15009. [PDF]
Why many Batesian mimics are inaccurate: evidence from hoverfly colour patterns Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283: 20161585. [PDF]
Microwave fields have little effect on α-synuclein aggregation in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Parkinson’s disease Bioelectromagnetics, 37: 116–129. [PDF]
Acoustic analysis of cattle (Bos taurus) mother–offspring contact calls from a source–filter theory perspective Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 163: 58–68. [PDF]
Female-limited colour polymorphism in the crab spider Synema globosum (Araneae: Thomisidae) Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 113: 368–383. [PDF]
Phenotypic heterogeneity is a selected trait in natural yeast populations subject to environmental stress Environmental Microbiology, 16: 1729–1740. [PDF]
Distance transform: a tool for the study of animal colour patterns Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 771–781. [PDF]
Reasons to be different: do conspicuous polymorphisms in invertebrates persist because rare forms are fitter? Journal of Zoology, 290: 81–95. [PDF]
Infection before pregnancy affects immunity and response to social challenge in the next generation Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 366: 3364–3374. [PDF]
A comparative study of two agamid lizards, Laudakia stellio and Pseudotrapelus sinaitus, in southern Sinai Egyptian Journal of Biology, 12: [PDF]
Testing the accuracy of species distribution models using species records from a new field survey Oikos, 119: 1326–1334. [PDF]
Climate-based models of spatial patterns of species richness in Egypt’s butterfly and mammal fauna Journal of Biogeography, 36: 2085–2095. [PDF]
Mothers produce less aggressive sons with altered immunity when there is a threat of disease during pregnancy Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 276: 1047–1054. [PDF]
Effect of characteristics of butterfly species on the accuracy of distribution models in an arid environment Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 3629. [PDF]
Low-intensity microwave irradiation does not substantially alter gene expression in late larval and adult Caenorhabditis elegans Bioelectromagnetics, 30: 602–612. [PDF]
Intraguild interactions promote assortative mating and affect sexual attractiveness in a phytophagous fly Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 98: 171–180. [PDF]
REVIEWS AND BRIEF NOTICES The Quarterly Review of Biology, 84:
Environmental heterogeneity, genotype-by-environment interactions and the reliability of sexual traits as indicators of mate quality Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 276: 1153–1159. [PDF]
Continuous wave and simulated GSM exposure at 1.8 W/kg and 1.8 GHz do not induce hsp16-1 heat-shock gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans Bioelectromagnetics, 29: 92–99. [PDF]
Do humans prefer altruistic mates? Testing a link between sexual selection and altruism towards non-relatives British Journal of Psychology, 99: 555–572. [PDF]
Reduction of visitation rates by honeybees (Apis mellifera) to individual inflorescences of lavender (Lavandula stoechas) upon removal of coloured accessory bracts (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Entomologia Generalis, 165–178. [PDF]
Application of the comprehensive set of heterozygous yeast deletion mutants to elucidate the molecular basis of cellular chromium toxicity Genome Biology, 8: R268. [PDF]
Aggregation, intraguild interactions and the coexistence of competitors on small ephemeral patches Oikos, 115: 321–333. [PDF]
The effects of predation risk from crab spiders on bee foraging behavior Behavioral Ecology, 17: 933–939. [PDF]
Inter-order interactions between flower-visiting insects: foraging bees avoid flowers previously visited by hoverflies Journal of Insect Behavior, 18: 51–57. [PDF]