Biodiversity in Egypt 

Francis Gilbert, Tim Newbold and Tom Reader

Francis Gilbert has worked in the high mountains of Sinai for more than 20 years with his main collaborator, Samy Zalat of Suez Canal University, and involving staff members of the School (including  Jerzy Behnke and Chris Barnard) and other universities. The arid mountain wadis (valleys) consitute a set of semi-isolated biotic communities, and each community has surprisingly different components, despite their close physical proximity. This is true for all the communities we have studied (insects on plants, parasites in mammals, ants, etc).  We are interested in studying the possibility of different pathways of micro-coevolution among interacting partners within these communities: there is morphological and genetic evidence that this may be occurring.

A recent focus for our research in this area has been modelling work undertaken by Tim Newbold, whose PhD was aimed at understanding which areas in Egypt are likely to be of most value from a conservation point of view. Find out more about this work here.