Group publications

PDFs are available where indicated. All Francis Gilbert's PDFs are available here.


Natural Systems: The Organisation of Life (1118905881) cover image

de Pomerai, D., Iqbal, N., Lafayette, I. and Nagarajan, A., Moghadam, M. K. Fineberg, A. Reader, T. Greedy, S., Smartt, C. and Thomas, D. W. P. 2016. Microwave fields have little effect on a-synuclein aggregation in a caenorhabditis elegans model of parkinson’s disease. Bioelectromagnetics. 37:116-129. PDF

De Winter G, Martins HR, Trovo RA, Chapman BB. 2016. Different behaviour-body length correlations in two populations of juvenile three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Behav. Processes 122, 75-79.

Eichhorn, M. P. (2016). Natural Systems: The Organisation of LIfe. Wiley.

Figuerido B, Mormul RP, Chapman BB, Lolis LA, Fiori LF, Benedito E. 2016. Turbidity amplifies the non-lethal effects of predation and affects the foraging success of characin fish shoals. Freshwater Biology. In Press.

Hooper, R. C. & Eichhorn, M. P. (2016). Too close for comfort: spatial patterns in acorn barnacle populations. Population Ecology, 58:231–239. PDF

Kettle, E. , Perrow, M. and Reader, T. 2016. Live-trapping in the stalk zone of tall grasses as an effective way of monitoring harvest mice (Micromys minutus). European Journal of Wildlife Research. On-line early. PDF.

Norfolk O, Eichhorn M & Gilbert F (2016) Flowering ground vegetation increases wild pollinator densities and enhances fruit set of an orchard crop. Insect Conservation & Diversity, 9: 236–243. PDF

Moore, J. H.Sittimongkol, S., Campos-Arceiz, A., Sumpah, T. & Eichhorn, M. P. (2016). Fruit gardens enhance mammal diversity and biomass in a Southeast Asian rainforest. Biological Conservation, 194: 132–138. PDF

Morris, R. & Reader, T. 2016. Do crab spiders perceive Batesian mimicry in hoverflies? Behavioral Ecology. 27: 920-931. PDF

Padilla de la Torre, M. Briefer, E. F. Ochocki, B. M., McElligott, A. G. and Reader, T. 2016. Mother-offspring recognition via contact calls in cattle (Bos taurus). Animal Behaviour. 114: 147-154. PDF

Taylor, C. H., Warrin, J., Gilbert, F. S. & Reader, T. (2016). Which traits do observers use to distinguish Batesian mimics from their models? Behavioral Ecology. In Press.

Taylor, C. H., Reader, T. & Gilbert, F. S. (2016). Hoverflies are imperfect mimics of wasp colouration. Evolutionary Ecology. 30: 567-581. PDF

Taylor, C. H., Reader, T. & Gilbert, F. (2016). Why many Batesian mimics are inaccurate: evidence from hoverfly colour patterns. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B: Biological Sciences. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1585. PDF

Velazquez, J. Allen, R. B., Coomes, D. A. & Eichhorn, M. P. (2016). Asymmetric competition causes multimodal size distributions in spatially structured populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B. 283: 20152404. PDF.


Ahlgren J, Chapman BB, Nilsson PA, Bronmark C. 2015. Individual boldness is linked to protective shell shape in aquatic snails. Biology Letters 11, 20150029. PDF.

Chapman BB, Hulthen K, Bronmark C, Nilsson PA, Skov C, Hansson LA, Brodersen J. 2015. Shape up or ship out: migratory behaviour predicts morphology across spatial scale in a freshwater fish. J Anim Ecol 84, 1187-1193. PDF.

De Winter G, Stratford J, Chapman BB. 2015. Using bacteria to study consistent variation in individual behavior. Behav. Ecol. PDF.

Hulthen K, Chapman BB, Vinterstare J, Nilsson PA, Skov C, Hansson LA, Brodersen J, Bronmark C. 2015. Escaping peril: perceived predation risk affects migratory propensity. Biology Letters 11, 20150466. PDF.

Norfolk O, Power A, Eichhorn M & Gilbert F (2015) Migratory bird species benefit from traditional agricultural gardens in South Sinai. Journal of Arid Environments 114: 110-115. PDF

Norfolk O, Eichhorn M & Gilbert F (2015) Contrasting patterns of turnover between plants, pollinators and their interactions. Diversity & Distributions 21(4): 405-415. PDF

Scotting, P. Noor, D., Jeyapalan, J. Alhazmi, S., Carr, M., Squibb, B., Wallace, C., Tan, C., Cusack, M., Hughes, J., Reader, T., Shipley, J., & Sheer, D. (2015). Genome-wide methylation analysis identifies genes silenced in non-seminoma cell lines. NPJ Genomic Medicine, 1, 15009; doi:10.1038. PDF.

Padilla de la Torre, M., Briefer, E. F., Reader, T. and McElligott, A. G. (2015). Acoustic analysis of cattle (Bos taurus) mother-offspring contact calls from a source-filter theory perspective. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 163: 158-168. PDF.


Ajuria Ibarra, H. & Reader, T. (2014). Female-limited colour polymorphism in the crab spider Synema globosum (Araneae: Thomisidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 113 (2):368-383. PDF.

Brodersen J, Chapman BB, Skov C, Nilsson P-A, Brönmark C. (2014). Fixed and flexible: coexistence of obligate and facultative migratory tactics in a freshwater fish. PLoS One 9, e90294

Chapman BB, Hulthen K, Hansson L-A, Nilsson J-Å, Brönmark C. (2014). Patterns of migration. In: Animal movement across scales. Oxford University Press, Oxford (accepted).

Edmunds, M. & Reader, T. (2014). Evidence for Batesian mimicry in a polymorphic hoverfly. Evolution. 68-3: 827–839. PDF.

Hansson L-A, Chapman BB et al. (2014). Synthesis. In: Animal movement across scales. Oxford University Press, Oxford (accepted).

Hulthen K, Chapman BB, Hollander J, Nilsson P.A., Brönmark C. (2014). Express yourself: bold individuals induce enhanced morphological defences. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. (accepted).

Hulthen K, Chapman BB, Nilsson P.A., Hansson L-A, Skov C, Baktoft H, Brodersen J, Brönmark C. (2014). Sex identification and PIT-tagging: tools and prospects for studying intersexual differences. J Fish Biol. 84, 503-512.

Lindström Å, Chapman BB, Klaasen M, Jonzen N. (2014). Migration in a changing world. In: Animal movement across scales. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Lowe, A., Rogers, A. C. & Durrant, K. L., (2014). Effect of human disturbance on long-term habitat use and breeding success of the European Nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 9(2), PDF.

Nilsson J-Å, Chapman BB, Brönmark C. (2014). Individuality and movement. In: Animal movement across scales. Oxford University Press, Oxford (accepted).

Norfolk O, Eichhorn M & Gilbert F (2014) Culturally valuable minority crops provide a succession of floral resources for flower visitors in traditional orchard gardens. Biodiversity & Conservation 23: 3199-3217. PDF

Velazquez, J., Garrahan, J. P., Eichhorn, M. P. (2014). Spatial Complementarity and the Coexistence of Species. PLoS One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0114979. PDF


Ajuria Ibarra, H. & Reader, T. (2013). Reasons to be different: do conspicuous polymorphisms in invertebrates persist because rare forms are fitter? Journal of Zoology290, 81–95. PDF.

Brönmark C, Hulthen K, Brodersen J, Skov C, Nilsson PA, Hansson L-A, Chapman BB. (2013). There and back again: migration in freshwater fishes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91, 1-13.

Chapman BB, Eriksen A, Baktoft H, Brodersen J, Nilsson PA, Hulthen K, Brönmark C, Hansson L-A, Grønkjær P, Skov C. (2013). A foraging cost to migration in a partially migratory cyprinid fish. PLoS One 8, e61223 .

Chapman BB, Hegg A, Ljungberg P. (2013). Sex and the syndrome: Individual and population consistency in behavioural syndromes in rock pool prawns. PLoS One 8(3): e59437

Hansson L-A, Brodersen J, Chapman BB, Ekvall M, Hargeby A, Hulthen K, Nicolle A, Nilsson P-A, Skov C, Brönmark C. (2013). A lake as a microcosm: reflections on developments in aquatic ecology. Aquatic Ecology 1-11

Holland, S. L., Reader, T., Dyer, P. S. & Avery, S. V.. (2013). Phenotypic heterogeneity is a selected trait in natural yeast populations subject to environmental stress. Environmental Microbiology. On-line early. DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.12243. PDF.

Leach K., Zalat S. & Gilbert F., (2013). Egypt’s Protected Area network under future climate change. Biological Conservation. 159, 490-500.

Liedvogel M, Chapman BB, Muheim R, Åkesson S. (2013). The behavioural ecology of animal movement: synthesis and future directions. Animal Migration 1, 39-46

MacColl, A.D.C., El Nagar, A. & De Roij J. (2013) The evolutionary ecology of dwarfism in three-spined sticklebacks. J. Anim. Ecol. In Press. PDF.

MacColl, A.D.C., Stevenson, I.R. & Richardson, D.S. (2013) Melanocortin-1-receptor (MC1R) variation is not associated with parasite burdens in a neotropical bird, the bananaquit (Coereba flaveola). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. in press. PDF.

Norfolk O, Eichhorn MP & Gilbert F (2013) Traditional agricultural gardens conserve wild plants and functional richness in arid South Sinai. Basic & Applied Ecology 14: 659-669. PDF

Skov C, Chapman BB, Baktoft H, Brodersen J, Brönmark C, Hansson L-A, Hulthen K, Nilsson PA. (2013). Migration confers survival benefits against avian predators for partially migratory freshwater fish. Biology Letters 9, 133-136 (featured in Nature Research Highlights)

Taylor, C. H., Gilbert, F. S. & Reader, T. (2013). Distance transform: a tool for the study of animal colour patterns. Methods in Ecology & Evolution. 4: 771-781. PDF.


De Roij J. & MacColl, A.D.C. (2012) Consistent differences in macroparasite community composition among three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) populations. Parasitology. 139: 1478-1491. PDF.

MacColl, A.D.C. (2012) The story of O: reply to Moya-Laraño. Trends Ecol. Evol. 27: 140-140. PDF.

Simensen, S. M. & Eichhorn, M. P. (2012). Assessment of the threat of herbivory by rabbits, sika deer, and feral goats to lundy cabbage (Coincya wrightii) through faecal analysis. Journal of the Lundy Field Society, 3: 25-32. PDF.

Tripp, E. J., Crittenden, P. D. & Eichhorn, M. P. (2012). Plant diversity of a lowland heathland site on Lundy. Journal of the Lundy Field Society, 3: 33-40. PDF.


Barnard C., Gilbert F. & McGregor P., (2011). Asking Questions in Biology: A guide to hypothesis-testing, analysis and presentation in practical work and research. 4th. Pearson Education.

Curno, O., Reader, T., McElligott, A. G., Behnke, J. M. & Barnard, C. J. (2011). Infection before pregnancy affects immunity and response to social challenge in the next generation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 366, 3364-3374. PDF

De Roij, J., Harris, P.D. & MacColl, A.D.C., (2011). Divergent resistance to a monogenean flatworm among three-spined stickleback populations. Functional Ecology, 25, 217-226. PDF.

Eichhorn M.P., Ratliffe L.C. and Pollard K.M., (2011). Attraction of ants by an invasive Acacia. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 4: 235-238. PDF.

Immler, S., Pitnick, S., Parker, G. A., Durrant, K. L., Lüpold, S., Calhim, S. and Birkhead, T. R., (2011). Resolving variation in the reproductive tradeoff between sperm size and number. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, 5325-5330. PDF.

MacColl, A.D.C. (2011). The ecological causes of evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 26, 514-522. PDF.

MacColl, A.D.C. and Chapman, S.J., (2011). A benthic predatory fish does not cause selection on armour traits in three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus (Gasterosteiformes: Gasterosteidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 104, 877-885. PDF.

Memon, N., Gilbert, F. and Ahmad, I., (2011). Phylogeny of the South Asian halyine stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Halyini) based on morphological characters. Annals Of The Entomological Society Of America. 104(6), 1149-1169.

Rotheray G. & Gilbert F., (2011). The natural history of hoverflies. Forrest Text, Wales.


Dawson, D. A., Horsburgh, G. J., Kupper, C., Stewart, I. R. K., Ball, A. D., Durrant, K. L., Hansson, B., Bacon, I., Bird, S., Klein, A., Krupa, A. P., Lee, J. W., Martin-Galvez, D., SI (2010). New methods to identify conserved microsatellite loci and develop primer sets of high utility – as demonstrated for birds: Conserved microsatellites for birds. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10, 475–494. PDF.

Durrant, K.L., Dawson, D.A., Burke, T. and Birkhead, T.R., (in press). The unusual sperm morphology of the Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is not due to the phenotypic results of genetic reduction. The Auk. PDF

Eichhorn, M.P., Nilus, R., Compton, S.G., Hartley, S.E. and Burslem, D.F.R.P. (2010). Herbivory of tropical rain-forest tree seedlings correlates with future mortality. Ecology. 91(4), 1092–1101. PDF.

Eichhorn M.P. (2010). Pattern reveals process: Spatial organisation of a Kamchatkan stone birch forest. Plant Ecology and Diversity 3, 281-288. PDF

Eichhorn M.P. (2010). Spatial organisation of a bimodal forest stand. Journal of Forest Research, 15(6), 391-397. PDF

Eichhorn M.P. (2010). Boreal Forests of Kamchatka: Structure and Composition. Forests 1, 154-176. PDF

Gilbert F & Zalat S, (2010). The Mammals of Egypt: Atlas, Red Data listing & Conservation. CultNat on behalf of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Cairo.

Gilbert F, Rashad S, Kamel M, El Din Ismail A, James M & Zalat S, (2010). Monitoring of the endemic Sinai Baton Blue butterfly Pseudophilotes sinaicus in the St Katherine Protectorate, South Sinai. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 12, 18-26.

Jones, K. A. & Godin, J. G. J. (2010). Are fast explorers slow reactors? Linking personality type and anti-predator behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277, 625-632.

Jones, K. A., Croft, D. P., Ramnarine, I. W. & Godin, J. G. J. (2010). Size-Assortative Shoaling in the Guppy (Poecilia reticulata): The Role of Active Choice. Ethology 116, 147-154.

MacColl, A. D. M. and Chapman, S. M. (2010). Parasites can cause selection against migrants following dispersal between environments. Functional Ecology, 24, 847–856. PDF.

Newbold, T. (2010). Applications and limitations of museum data for conservation and ecology, with particular attention to species distribution models. Progress in Physical Geography. 34, 3-22.

Newbold, T., Reader, T.
, El-Gabbas, A., Berg, W., Shohdi, W. M., Zalat, S., Baha El Din, S. & Gilbert, F. (2010). Testing the accuracy of species distribution models using species records from a new field survey. Oikos. 119: 1326–1334. PDF.

Norfolk, O. Melotte, A., Gilbert, F., Zalat, S. and Reader, T. (2010). A comparative study of two agamid lizards, Laudakia stellio and Pseudotrapelus sinaitus, in southern Sinai. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 2010, Vol. 12, pp 27-43. PDF.

Staddon, P. Lindo, Z. Crittenden, P. D., Gilbert, F. and Gonzalez, A. (2010). Connectivity, non-random extinction and ecosystem function in experimental metacommunities. Ecology Letters. On-line early. PDF.

Wilfred, P. and MacColl, A, D, C., (2010). Income sources and their relation to wildlife poaching in Ugalla ecosystem, Western Tanzania. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4(12), 886-896. PDF.


Barnard, C. J., Collins S. A., Daisley, J. N. and Behnke, J. M. (2009). Immunodepression reduces learning performance in male laboratory mice (Mus musculus). Physiology and Behavior, 29: 362-369. PDF

Behnke JM, Eira C, Rogan M, Gilbert F, Torres J, Miguel J & Lewis JW, (2009). Helminth species richness in wood mice, Apodemus sylvaticus, is enhanced by the presence of the intestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus. Parasitology (Cambridge), 136, 1-12.

Brading P, El-Gabbass A, Zalat S & Gilbert F, (2009). Biodiversity economics: the value of pollination services to Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 11, 45-51.

Curno, O., Behnke, J. M., McElligott, A. G., Reader, T.
and Barnard, C. J. (2009). Mothers produce more resistant offspring when there is a threat of disease during pregnancy. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 276: 1047-1054. PDF.

Davison, A., Frend, H. T., Moray, C., Wheatley, H., Searle, L. J. and Eichhorn, M. P. (2009) Mating behaviour in Lymnaea stagnalis pond snails is a maternally inherited, lateralized trait. Biology Letters. 5, 20-22. PDF.

Dawe, A., Bodhicharla, R., Graham, N., May, S., Reader, T., Loader, B., Gregory, A., Swicord, M., Bit-Babik, G. and De Pomerai, D. (in press). Low-intensity microwave irradiation does not substantially alter gene expression in late larval and adult Caenorhabditis elegans. Bioelectromagnetics. 30(8):602-12. PDF.

Elbanna SM, Zalat SM, Gilbert F, Elliott S & Shuker DM, (2009). Patterns of resource use by milkweed insects in Sinai. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 11, 58-70.

Fitchett, A. E., Barnard, C. J. and Cassaday, H. J. (2009). Corticosterone differences rather than social housing predict performance of T-maze alternation in male CD-1 mice. Animal Welfare, 18: 21-23. PDF

Gilbert F & Zalat S, (2009). Egyptian science: how good is it? Can it be improved?. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 11, 91-98.

Higginson, A. D. and Reader, T. (2009). Environmental heterogeneity, gene-by-environment interactions and the reliability of sexual traits as indicators of mate quality. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 276 (1659): 1153 PDF.

Jones, K. A., Krebs, J. R. & Whittingham, M. J. 2009 Heavier birds react faster to predators: individual differences in the detection of stalking and ambush predators. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 63, 1319-1329.

Kirk P.J. & Gilbert F., (2009). Elevation gradients of flower visitation on a mesa in the Nama Karoo, South Africa. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 11, 84-90.

MacColl, A.D.C., (2009). Parasite burdens differ between sympatric three-spined stickleback species. Ecography, 32(1). PDF.

MacColl, A.D.C., (2009). Parasites may contribute to 'magic trait' evolution in the adaptive radiation of three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus (Gasterosteiformes: Gasterosteidae). Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society, 96(2), 425-433. PDF.

Mutin VA, Gilbert F & Gritzkevich D, 2009. The potential for using flower visiting insects for assessing site quality: hoverfly visitors to the flowers of Caltha in the Far East region of Russia. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 11, 71-83.

Newbold, T.Reader, T., Zalat, S., El-Gabbas, A., and Gilbert, F. (2009). Effect of characteristics of butterfly species on the accuracy of distribution models in an arid environment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18:3629–3641. PDF.

Newbold, T.Gilbert, F., Zalat, S., El-Gabbas, A. and Reader, T. (2009). Climate-based models of spatial patterns of species richness in Egypt’s butterfly and mammal fauna. Journal of Biogeography. 36(11), 2085 - 2095. PDF.

Reader, T. and Duce, I. R., (2009). Intraguild interactions promote assortative mating and affect sexual attractiveness in a phytophagous fly. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 98, 171–180. PDF.

Zalat S, Gilbert F, Fadel H, El-Hawagry MS, Abdel-dayem MS, Kamel S & Gilbert J, 2009. Biological explorations of Sinai: flora and fauna of Wadi Isla and Hebran, St Katherine Protectorate, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Natural History, 5, 6-14.

Zalat S, Gilbert F, Fadel H, El-Hawagry MS, Saleh M, Kamel S & Gilbert J, 2009. Biological explorations of Sinai: flora and fauna of Wadi Isla and Hebran, St Katherine Protectorate, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Natural History, 5, 6-14.


Behnke JM, Bajer A, Harris PD, Newington l, Pidgeon E, Rowlands G, Sherif C, Kulis K, Sinski E, Gilbert F & Barnard CJ, (2008). Temporal and between-site variation in helminth communities of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) from NE Poland. 2. The infracommunity level. Parasitology (Cambridge), 135, 999-1018.

Behnke JM, Bajer A, Harris PD, Newington l, Pidgeon E, Rowlands G, Sherif C, Kulis K, Sinski E, Gilbert F & Barnard CJ, (2008). Temporal and between-site variation in helminth communities of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) from NE Poland. 1. Regional fauna and component community levels. Parasitology (Cambridge), (135), 985-997.

Collins, S. A., Archer, J. A. and Barnard, C. J. (2008). Welfare and mate choice in zebra finches: effect of handling regime and presence of cover. Animal Welfare. 17: 11-17. PDF

Dawe, AS, Nylund, R, Leszczynski, D, Kuster, N, Reader, T, and De Pomerai, D. (2008). Continuous wave and simulated GSM exposure at 1.8 W/kg and 1.8 GHz do not induce hsp16-1 heat-shock gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. Bioelectromagnetics, 29: 92-9. PDF

Durrant, K.L., Marra, P.P., Fallon, S.M., Colbeck, G.J., Gibbs, H.L., Hobson, K.A., Norris, D.R., Bernik, B., Lloyd, V.L. and Fleischer, R.C. (2008). Parasite assemblages distinguish populations of a migratory passerine on its breeding grounds. Journal of Zoology, 274(4), 318-326. PDF

Eichhorn, M. P., Compton, S. G. and Hartley, S. E., (2008). The Influence of Soil Type on Rain Forest Insect Herbivore Communities. Biotropica, 40(6), 707-713. PDF

Fouda M, Grainger J, Salama W, Baha el din S, Paleczny D, Zalat s & Gilbert F. (2008). Management effectiveness evaluation of Egypt’s Protected Area system. Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Maadi, Cairo. 

Gilbert F & Zalat S, (2008). The butterflies of Egypt: atlas, Red Data listing and conservation. Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency. 

Grainger j & Gilbert F. (2008). Cultural and spiritual values of Protected Landscapes - the St Katherine case study. In: Mallarch J.M., ed. Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes. IUCN, pp. 1-17

Jones, K. A. & Whittingham, M. J. 2008 Anti-Predator Signals in the Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs in Response to Habitat Structure and Different Predator Types. Ethology 114, 1033-1043.

Newbold T., Collins, S., Behnke, JM, Eales, J., El-Geznawy, A., El-Tohamy, T., Ezzat, R., Farag, D., Gilbert F. , Jobling, S., Marchant, D., Madaney, D., Mohamed, E., Zalat, H., Taylor, G., Woodward, B. and Zalat S. (2008). Sentinel behaviour and the watchman's call in the Chukar at St Katherine Protectorate, Sinai, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Biology, 10, 42-53.

Phillips, T., Barnard, C. J., Ferguson, E., Reader, T. (2008). Do Humans Prefer Altruistic Mates? Testing a Link between Sexual Selection and Altruism towards Non-Relatives. British Journal of Psychology, 99, 555–572. PDF.

Pagenkopp, K.M., Klicka, J., Durrant, K.L., Garvin, J.C. and Fleischer, R.C. (2008). Geographic variation in malarial parasite lineages in the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). Conservation Genetics, 9(6), 1577-1588.

Piertney, S. B., Lambin, X., MacColl, A. D. C., Lock, K., Bacon, P. J., Dallas, J. F., Leckie, F., Mougeot, F., Racey, P. A, Redpath, S. and Moss, R., (2008). Temporal changes in kin structure through a population cycle in a territorial bird, the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. Molecular Ecology, 17(10), 2544-51. PDF|.

Rotheray GE & Gilbert F, (2008). Phylogenetic relationships and the larval head of the Lower Cyclorrapha (Diptera). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 153, 287-323.

Ruttimann, S., Giacometti, M. and McElligott, A. G. (2008). Effect of domestic sheep on chamois activity, distribution and abundance on sub-alpine pastures. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54, 110-116. Published on-line here.

Schmidt, B.K., Foster, J.T., Angehr, G.R., Durrant, K.L. and Fleischer, R.C. (2008). A new species of African forest robin from Gabon (Passeriformes : Muscicapidae : Stiphrornis). Zootaxa, 1850, 27-42. PDF

Vannoni, E. and McElligott, A. G. (2008). Low frequency groans indicate larger and more dominant fallow deer (Dama dama) males. PLoS One, 3(9): e3113. PDF on-line here.

White MLJ, Mohammed AEI, Dauphiné NS, Gilbert F, Zalat S & Gilbert H, (2008). Recent surveys of resident breeding birds in the St Katherine Protectorate, south Sinai, Egypt. Sandgrouse, 30, 190-200.

Zalat s & Gilbert F, (2008). Gardens in a sacred landscape: Bedouin heritage and natural history in the high mountains of Sinai. American University in Cairo Press.


Bain, R.S., Rashed, A., Cowper, V.J., Gilbert, F.S. and Sherratt, T.N., 2007. The key mimetic features of hoverflies through avian eyes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 274(1621), 1949-1954. 

Barnard, C. J. (2007). Ethical regulation and animal science: why animal behaviour is special. Animal Behaviour, 74, 5-13. PDF

Barnard, C., Gilbert, F. and McGregor, P., 2007. Asking questions in biology: a guide to hypothesis testing, experimental design and presentation in practical work and research projects. 3rd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education. Available in all good book shops!

Decristophoris, P.M.A., Von Hardenberg, A. and McElligott, A.G., (2007). Testosterone is positively related to the output of nematode eggs in male alpine ibex (Capra ibex) feces. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9, 1277-1292. On-line here.

Durrant, K.L., Reed, J.L., Jones, P., Dallimer, M., Cheke, R., McWilliams, A.N. and Fleischer, R.C. (2007). Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38(6), 662-671. PDF

Eichhorn M.P., Fagan K.C, Dent D.H., Compton S.G. & Hartley S.E. (2007). Explaining leaf herbivory rates on tree seedlings in a Malaysian rain forest. Biotropica, 39, 416-421. PDF

Higginson, A. D., Gilbert, F. S., Reader, T. and Barnard, C. J. (2007). Reduction of visitation rates by honeybees (Apis mellifera) to individual inflorescences of lavender (Lavandula stoechas) upon removal of coloured accessory bracts (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Entomologia Generalis, 29(1), 165-178. PDF

Holland S, Lodwig E, Sideri T, Reader T, Clarke I, Gkargkas K, Hoyle DC, Delneri D, Oliver SG and Avery SV (2007). Application of the comprehensive set of heterozygous yeast deletion mutants to elucidate the molecular basis of cellular chromium toxicity. Genome Biology 8: R268. PDF

Jones, K. A., Krebs, J. R. & Whittingham, M. J. 2007 Vigilance in the third dimension:-head movement not scan duration differs in response to different predator models. Animal Behaviour 74, 1181-1187.

Marolf B., McElligott A. G., Müller A. (2007) Female social dominance in two Eulemur species with different social organizations. Zoo Biology 26, 201-204. PDF

Newbold, T., Meregalli, M., Colonnelli, E., Barclay, M., Elbanna, S., Abu Fandud, N., Flegg, F., Fouad, R., Gilbert, F., Hall, V., Hancock, C., Ismail, M., Osamy, S., Saber, I., Semida, F. & Zalat, S. (2007). Redescription of a weevil Paramecops sinaitus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae) from the Sinai and an ecological study of its interaction with the Sinai milkweed Asclepias sinaica (Gentianales: Asclepiadaceae). European Journal of Entomology, 10, 505-515. Reprint on request.

Toon, A., Mather, P. B, Baker, A. M., Durrant, K. L. and Hughes, J. M, (2007). Pleistocene refugia in an arid landscape: analysis of a widely distributed Australian passerine. Molecular Ecology, 16(12), 2525-41.

Vannoni, E. and McElligott, A. G., (2007). Individual acoustic variation in fallow deer (Dama dama) common and harsh groans: a source-filter theory perspective. Ethology, 113(3), 223-234. PDF

Vanwambeke S.O., Lambin E.F., Eichhorn M.P., Flasse S. P., Harbach R.E., Oskam L., Somboon P., van Beers S., van Benthem B.H.B., Walton C. and Butlin R.K. (2007). Impact of land-use change on dengue and malaria in Northern Thailand. Ecohealth 4, 37-51. PDF


Barnard, C. J., Collins, S. A., Daisley, J. N. and Behnke, J. M., (2006). Odour learning and immunity costs in mice. Behavioural Processes, 72(1), 74-83.

Barnard,C.J. and Behnke,J.M., (2006). Behaviour, life history strategies and parasite infection in rodents. In: Morand,S., Krasnov,B.R., Poulin, R., eds. Micromammals and macroparasites: from evolutionary ecology to management. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, Germany, pp. 475-514.

Bebié, N. and McElligott, A. G., (2006). Female aggression in red deer: Does it indicate competition for mates?. Mammalian Biology, 71(6), 347-355. PDF

Durrant, K.L. and Hughes, J.M., (2006). Are there correlates of male Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen reproductive success in a population with high rates of extra-group paternity?. Ibis, 148(2), 313-320. PDF

Eichhorn M.P., Compton S.G. and Hartley S.E. (2006). Seedling species determines rates of leaf herbivory in a Malaysian rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 22,513-519.

Eichhorn M.P., Paris P., Herzog F., Incoll L.D., Liagre F., Mantzanas K., Mayus M., Moreno G., Papanastasis V.P., Pilbeam D.J., Pisanelli A. and Dupraz C. (2006). Silvoarable systems in Europe – past, present and future prospects. Agroforestry Systems, 67, 29-50.

Higginson, A.D., Gilbert, F.S. and Barnard, C.J., (2006). Morphological correlates of nectar production used by honeybees. Ecological Entomology, 31(3), 269-276.

Jones, K. A., Krebs, J. R. & Whittingham, M. J. 2006. Interaction between seed crypsis and habitat structure influence patch choice in a granivorous bird, the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Journal of Avian Biology 37, 413-418.

Lyons, C. and Barnard, C.J., (2006). A learned response to sperm competition in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (de Geer). Animal Behaviour, 72(3), 673-680.

McElligott, A.G., Birrer, M. and Vannoni, E., (2006). Retraction of the mobile descended larynx during groaning enables fallow bucks (Dama dama) to lower their formant frequencies. Journal of Zoology, 270(2), 340-345. PDF

Reader, T., Higginson, A.D., Barnard, C.J., Gilbert, F.S. and The Behavioural Ecology Field Course, (2006). The effects of predation risk from crab spiders on bee foraging behavior. Behavioral Ecology, 17(6), 933-937. PDF

Reader,T., Cornell, S.J. and Rohani,P., (2006). Aggregation, intraguild interactions and the coexistence of competitors on small ephemeral patches. Oikos, 115(2), 321-333. PDF

Ruckstuhl, K.E., Manica, A., Maccoll, A.D.C., Pilkington, J.G. and Clutton-Brock, T.H., (2006). The effects of castration, sex ratio and population density on social segregation and habitat use in Soay sheep. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59(5), 694-703. PDF

Torrani, M.V.G., Vannoni, E. and McElligott, A.G., (2006). Mother-young recognition in an ungulate hider species: a unidirectional process. American Naturalist, 168(3), 412-420. PDF


Barnard, C.J., Collins, S.A., Daisley, J.N. and Behnke, J.M., (2005). Maze performance and immunity costs in mice. Behaviour, 142(2), 241-263.

Behnke, J.M., Gilbert, F.S., Abu-Madi, M.A. and Lewis, J.W., (2005). Do the helminth parasites of wood mice interact?. Journal of Animal Ecology, 74(5), 982-993.

Durrant, K.L. and Hughes, J.M., (2005). Differing rates of extra-group paternity between two populations of the Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 57(6), 536-545. PDF

Ellis CJ, Crittenden P.D., Scrimgeour CM, Ashcroft CJ. (2005). Translocation of 15N indicates nitrogen recycling in the mat-forming lichen Cladonia portentosa. New Phytologist 168: 423-434.

Fitchett, A. E., Collins, S. A., Mason, H., Barnard, C. J. and Cassaday, H. J., (2005). Urinary corticosterone measures: Effects of strain and social rank in BKW and CD-1 mice. Behavioural Processes, 70(2), 168-176.

Gilbert, F.S., (2005). The evolution of imperfect mimicry. In: Fellowes, M.D.E, Holloway, G.J., Roitt, J., eds. Insect evolutionary ecology: Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Scoiety's 22nd symposium, University of Reading, UK. Wallingford; CAB International, pp. 231-288

Gilbert,F.S., (2005). Syrphid aphidophagous predators in a food-web context. European Journal of Entomology, 102(3), 325-333.

Reader, T., Macleod, I., Elliott, P.T., Robinson, O.J. and Manica, A., (2005). Inter-order interactions between flower-visiting insects: foraging bees avoid flowers previously visited by hoverflies. Journal of Insect Behavior, 18(1), 51-57. PDF

Saunders, F. C., McElligott, A. G., Safi, K. and Hayden, T. J., (2005). Mating tactics of male feral goats (Capra hircus): risks and benefits. Acta Ethologia, 8(2), 103-110. PDF

Seymour FA, Crittenden P.D., Dickinson MJ, Paoletti M, Montiel D, Cho L, Dyer PS. (2005). Breeding systems in the lichen-forming fungal genus Cladonia. Fungal Genetics and Biology 42: 554-563.


Barnard,C.J., (2004). Animal behaviour: mechanism, development, function and evolution. Harlow; Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Behnke, J. M., Harris, P. D., Bajer, A., Barnard, C. J., Sherif, N., Cliffe, L., Hurst, J., Lamb, M., Rhodes, A. and James, M., (2004). Variation in the helminth community structure in spiny mice (Acomys dimidiatus) from four montane wadis in the St Katherine region of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. Parasitology (Cambridge), 129(3), 379-361.

Clutton-Brock,T.H., Grenfell,B.T., Coulson,T., Maccoll, A.D.C., Illius,A.W., Forchhammer,M.C., Wilson,K., Lindström,J., Crawley,M.J. and Albon,S.D., (2004). Population dynamics in Soay sheep. In: Clutton-Brock,T.H., Pemberton,J.M., eds. Soay sheep: dynamics and selection in an island population. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 52-88

Ellis CJ, Crittenden P.D., Scrimgeour CM. (2004). Soil as a potential source of nitrogen for mat-forming lichens. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 145-149.

Hatchwell, B.J., Russell, A.F., MacColl, A.D.C., Ross, D.J., Fowlie, M.K. & MCGowan, A., 2004. Helpers increase long-term but not short-term productivity in cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits. Behavioral Ecology, 15(1), 1-10. PDF

Higginson, A.D. and Gilbert, F., (2004). Paying for nectar with wingbeats: a new model of honeybee foraging. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 271(1557), 2595-2604.

Howarth, B., Edmunds, M. and Gilbert, F., (2004). Does the abundance of hoverfly (Syrphidae) mimics depend on the numbers of their Hymenopteran models?. Evolution, 58(2), 367-375.

Higginson, A.D. & Barnard, C.J. (2004) Accumulating wing damage affects foraging
decisions in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Ecol. Ent. 29: 52-59

Howarth B, Edmunds M & Gilbert F. (2004) Does the abundance of hoverfly mimics (Syrphidae) depend on the numbers of the hymenopteran models? Evolution 58(2): 367-375.

Hoyle, M. and Gilbert, F., (2004). Species richness of moss landscapes unaffected by short-term fragmentation. Oikos, 105(2), 359-367.

Lüpold, S., McElligott, A.G. and Hosken, D.J., 2004. Bat genitalia: allometry, variation and good genes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 83(4), 497-507. PDF

MacColl, A.D.C. & Hatchwell, B.J. (2004) Determinants of lifetime fitness in a cooperative breeder, the long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus. J. Anim. Ecol. 73: 1137-1148. PDF

McElligott, A. G., Maggini, I., Hunziker, L. and Konig, B., 2004. Interactions Between Red-Billed Oxpeckers and Black Rhinos in Captivity. Zoo Biology, 23(4), 347-354. PDF

Pawelczyk, A., Bajer, A., Behnke, J. M., Gilbert, F. S. and Sinski, E., (2004). Factors affecting the component community structure of haemoparasites in common voles (Microtus arvalis) from the Mazury Lake District region of Poland. Parasitology Research, 92(4), 270-284.


Ellis CJ, Crittenden PD, Scrimgeour CM, Ashcroft CJ (2003). The natural abundance of 15N in mat-forming lichens. Oecologia 136: 115-123.

James M, Gilbert F & Zalat S (2003) Thyme and isolation for the Sinai Baton Blue butterfly (Pseudophilotes sinaicus). Oecologia 134: 445-453.

MacColl, A.D.C. & Hatchwell, B.J. (2003) Heritability of parental effort in a passerine bird. Evolution. 57: 2191-2195. PDF

MacColl, A.D.C. & Hatchwell, B.J. (2003). Sharing of caring: nestling provisioning behaviour of long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus, parents and helpers. Animal Behaviour, 66(5), 955-964. PDF

MacColl, A.D.C. & Stevenson, I.R. (2003) Stasis in the morph ratio cline in the bananaquit on Grenada, West Indies. Condor, 105: 821-825. PDF

Mallard, S.T. & Barnard, C.J. (2003) Competition, fluctuating asymmetry and sperm
transfer in male gryllid crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus and Gryllodes sigillatus). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 53: 190-197.

McElligott, A. G., Naulty, F., Clarke, W. V. and Hayden, T. J., (2003). The somatic cost of reproduction: what determines reproductive effort in prime-aged fallow bucks?. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 5(8), 1239-1250. PDF

Reader,T., (2003). Strong interactions between species of phytophagous fly: a case of intraguild kleptoparasitism. Oikos, 103(1), 101-112. PDF

Reader, T. and Hochuli, D.F., (2003). Understanding gregariousness in a larval Lepidopteran: the roles of host plant, predation, and microclimate. Ecological Entomology, 28(6), 729-737. PDF

Walker TR, Crittenden PD, Young SD (2003). Regional variation in the chemical composition of winter snow pack and terricolous lichens in relation to sources of acid emissions in the Usa river basin, northeast European Russia. Environmental Pollution 125: 401-412.

Selected publications from before 2003


HATCHWELL,B.J. and MACCOLL,A.D., 2002. Seasonal variation in reproductive success and the evolution of cooperative breeding in birds. In: Abstracts of the Ninth Biennial Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Universite du Québec a Montreal, Montreal, Canada. pp. 53-54

MACCOLL, A.D., 2002. The heritability of parental care in a cooperative breeder: an animal model approach. In: Ninth Biennial Congress of the International Society for Behavioural Ecology, Montreal, Canada. pp. 81

MACCOLL, A.D.C. and HATCHWELL, B.J., 2002. Temporal variation in fitness payoffs promotes cooperative breeding in long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus. American Naturalist, 160(2), 186-194. PDF

MCELLIGOTT, A.G., ALTWEGG, R. and HAYDEN, T.J., 2002. Age-specific survival and reproductive probabilities: evidence for senescence in male fallow deer (Dama dama). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 269(1496), 1129-1138. PDF


MACCOLL,A.D. and HATCHWELL,B.J., 2001. Seasonal variation in reproductive success and the evolution of cooperative bredding in long-tailed tits. In: Eight Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Aarhus, Denmark, Aarhus, Denmark. pp. 289

MCELLIGOTT, A.G., GAMMELL, M.P., HARTY, H.C., PAINI, D.R., MURPHY, D.T., WALSH, J.T. and HAYDEN, T.J., 2001. Sexual size dimorphism in fallow deer (Dama dama): do larger, heavier males gain greater mating success?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 49(4), 266-272. PDF

MCELLIGOTT, A.G. and HAYDEN, T.J., 2001. Postcopulatory vocalizations of fallow bucks: who is listening?. Behavioral Ecology, 12(1), 41-46. PDF

READER, T. (2001). Competition, kleptoparasitism and intraguild predation in a reedbed community. PhD Thesis. Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. PDF.


MACCOLL, A. D. C., PIERTNEY, S. B., MOSS, R. and LAMBIN, X., 2000. Spatial arrangement of kin affects recruitment success in young male red grouse. Oikos, 90(2), 261-270. PDF

MCELLIGOTT, A. G. and HAYDEN, T. J., 2000. Lifetime mating success, sexual selection and life history of fallow bucks (Dama dama). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 48(3), 203-210. PDF

PIERTNEY, S. B., MACCOLL, A. D., BACON, P. J., RACEY, P. A., LAMBIN, X. and DALLAS, J. F., 2000. Matrilineal Genetic Structure and Female-Mediated Gene Flow in Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus): An Analysis Using Mitochondrial DNA. Evolution, 54(1), 279-289. PDF


CLUTTON-BROCK, T. H., GAYNOR, D., MCILRATH, G. M., MACCOLL, A. D. C., KANSKY, R., CHADWICK, P., MANSER, M., SKINNER, J. D. and BROTHERTON, P. N. M., 1999. Predation, group size and mortality in a cooperative mongoose, Suricata suricatta. Journal of Animal Ecology, 68(4), 672-683. PDF

CLUTTON-BROCK, T. H., MACCOLL, A., CHADWICK, P., GAYNOR, D., KANSKY, R. and SKINNER, J. D., 1999. Reproduction and survival of suricates (Suricata suricatta) in the southern Kalahari. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 37(1), 69-80. PDF

COLTMAN,, SMITH,J.A., BANCROFT,D.R., PILKINGTON,, MACCOLL,A.D.C., CLUTTON-BROCK, T.H. and PEMBERTON,J.M., 1999. Density-Dependent Variation in Lifetime Breeding Success and Natural and Sexual Selection in Soay Rams. American Naturalist, 154(6), 730-746. PDF

MCELLIGOTT, A. G. and HAYDEN, T. J., 1999. Context-related vocalization rates of fallow bucks, Dama dama. Animal Behaviour, 58(5), 1095-1104. PDF

MCELLIGOTT, A. G., O'NEILL, K. P. and HAYDEN, T. J., 1999. Cumulative long-term investment in vocalization and mating success of fallow bucks, Dama dama. Animal Behaviour, 57(5), 1159-1167. PDF

PIERTNEY, S. B., MACCOLL, A. D. C., LAMBIN, X., MOSS, R. and DALLAS, J. F., 1999. Spatial distribution of genetic relatedness in a moorland population of red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 68(1/2), 317-331. PDF


CLUTTON-BROCK,T.H., GAYNOR,D., KANSKEY,R., MACCOLL,A.D.C., MACILRATH,G., CHADWICK,P., BROTHERTON,P.N.M., O'RIAIN,J.M., MANSER,M. and SKINNER,J.D., 1998. Costs of cooperative behaviour in suricates, (Suricata suricatta). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences, 265(1392), 185-190. PDF

MCELLIGOTT, A. G., MATTIANGELI, V., MATTIELLO, S., VERGA, M., REYNOLDS, C. A. and HAYDEN, T. J., 1998. Fighting tactics of fallow bucks (Dama dama, Cervidae): reducing the risks of serious conflict. Ethology, 104(9), 789-803. PDF

PIERTNEY, S. B., MACCOLL, A. D. C., BACON, P. J. and DALLAS, J. F., 1998. Local genetic structure in red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus): evidence from microsatellite DNA markers. Molecular Ecology, 7(12), 1645-1654. PDF


CLUTTON-BROCK, T. H., ILLIUS, A. W., WILSON, K., GRENFELL, B. T., MACCOLL, A. D. C. and ALBON, S. D., 1997. Stability and instability in ungulate populations: an empirical analysis. American Naturalist, 149(2), 195-219.

KENT, J. P., MCELLIGOTT, A. G. and BUDGEY, H. V., 1997. Ground-roosting in domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) in The Gambia: the anticipation of night. Behavioural Processes, 39(3), 271-278.  PDF


CLUTTON-BROCK, T. H., STEVENSON, I. R., MARROW, P., MACCOLL, A. D., HOUSTON, A. I. and MCNAMARA, J. M., 1996. Population fluctuations, reproductive costs and life-history tactics in female Soay sheep. Journal of Animal Ecology, 65(6), 675-689. PDF


BANCROFT, D. R., PEMBERTON, J. M., ALBON, S. D. and ROBERTSON, A., MACCOLL, A. D.,  SMITH, J. A., STEVENSON, I. R. & CLUTTON-BROCK, T. H. 1995. Molecular genetic variation and individual survival during population crashes of an unmanaged ungulate population. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 347(1321), 263. PDF


CLUTTON-BROCK,T.H., PRICE,O.F. and MACCOLL,A.D.C., 1992. Mate retention, harassment, and the evolution of ungulate leks. Behavioral Ecology, 3(3), 234-242. PDF