Dr Kate Durrant - a brief CV 

2008 - Present

University teacher at Nottingham in Animal Behaviour

2007 - 2008

The University of Sheffield: Postdoctoral fellow working with Tim Birkhead on the evolution of sperm morphology and sperm competition. 

2005 - 2006

Smithsonian Institution: Postdoctoral fellow working with Robert Fleischer and Dina Fonseca (Rutgers University) on avian malaria phylogeography and vectorial transmission competence and with Peter Marra using parasites as ‘markers’ for migratory passerines.

The University of Maryland: (Fall Semester 2006) Course convener and lecturer for ‘Principles of Animal Behavior’, 3rd year and graduate stream. 

2000 - 2004

Griffith University: PhD: The genetic and social mating system of a white-backed population of the Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen tyrannica). Supervised by Jane Hughes (Griffith) and Peter Mather (Queensland University of Technology). 

1998 - 1999

The University of Melbourne: Honours in Zoology. 

1995 - 1997

The University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Science.