Monica Padilla de la Torre (PhD 2013)Monica
finished her PhD in 2013 and after a brief postdoctoral project looking
at purring in cats, she returned to Mexico to pursue a career in
science! Here's how she described her project:
Research Interests
Vocal communication in cattle
My PhD research is on animal behaviour, specifically in
vocal communication. It is well known that in most ungulates, the recognition
process between mother and their offspring mainly involves olfaction and
audition. However, olfaction only permits identification at short range, while
acoustic signals are efficient over both short and long distances, and therefore
vocal communication appears to be a key factor for mother-offspring
It has been determined that the vocal identification process
is unidirectional in some “hiding” species of deer (where young animals remain
hidden while their mothers forage). However, in “follower” species such as
domestic sheep (Ovis aries), mother and offspring are capable of recognizing
each other using contact calls. By studying different species, we can assess
the extent to which this distinction between hider and follower species is
generalised, and determine how different environments and survival strategies
can affect the evolution of vocal communication systems.
Photo: Dr John Perivolaris
My project focuses on mother-offspring communication in
cattle (Bos taurus). In order to determine which acoustic patterns in
vocalisations are important for individuality in contact calls of adult females
and calves, I will carry out field recordings and acoustical analysis. Playback
experiments will be used to test calf recognition of adult female contact
calls, and test adult female recognition of calf contact calls, allowing me to
determine what parts of the vocalisations are used for recognition. My project is funded by CONACYT.
Latin American women in England
I have been interviewed and photographed as part of an art project by Dr John Perivolaris. John's project reflects on the twenty-first century legacy of Latin American
women’s contribution to Latin American Independence struggles in the Nineteenth
Century. |