Chris Poonian
Supervisor: Research Interests
I am a part-time PhD student supervised by Francis
Gilbert and Georgina Endfield (Geography).
My PhD takes a multidisciplinary approach to examine how the South Sinai
Bedu's use of coastal resources has developed and changed over the last
century. I aim to understand the nature and extent of their traditional
fisheries, the effectiveness of their associated management practices, and to
explore possibilities for integrating these practices into marine conservation
policy in South Sinai. I plan to work
along the entire Gulf of Aqaba coastline from Sharm-el-Sheikh to Taba,
interviewing older Bedu about their fishing and other practices that they carry
out today, and how these differ from those of the immediate and more distant
past. I will ask about their ideas of the important factors impacting fish
abundance, and how changing pressures on their livelihoods and families have
affected the marine environment. Based on this information, selected areas will
be surveyed ecologically to test the reliability of bedouin ideas, using
scuba/snorkel surveys of coral and fish communities. The extent to which
traditional knowledge is included in marine conservation management policy will
then be reviewed and assessed. The final results will suggest future needs,
options and recommendations for marine conservation in South Sinai.