Spatial processes in
Patterns and dynamics
boreal forests - Markus Eichhorn
Eichhorn studies the
processes that determine the structure and composition of forests. This
includes work on scales from individual trees through to whole regions.
Individual trees form patterns within forests that vary between the
involved, in different locations and through time. Permanent plots
in the Bystrya Valley of Kamchatka in 1998 are providing data on the
and dynamics of forests in this region.
Right: Fieldwork in Kamchatka, Far East Russia.
The approach to Anaun
volcano marks the northern limit of continuous forest on the peninsula.
Valentin Vassilyevich Yakubov.
On a larger scale, the next step is to
understand how regional
processes determine the composition of local communities of trees, and
various herbs and shrubs that grow beneath them. An analysis of forest
across Alaska
is currently underway.
Competition, coexistence and the maintenance
of diversity - Tom Reader
principal of competitive exclusion (Hardin, 1960) predicts that two
species competing for a single limiting resource cannot coexist
indefinitely. So the diverse communities of invertebrates that we find
exploiting some kinds of resource present us with a problem: how is
diversity maintained in the face of intense interspecific competition? Tom Reader is interested in exploring answers to this
question in a number of systems, and particularly in the
effects of spatial aggregation, resource heterogeneity and predation on
Above right: Eggs of
Lipara lucens (white) and L.
rufitarsis (black) are laid on reed stems; intense
competition for food means that only one can survive per stem.
The flies in the
genus Lipara feed on common reed (Phragmites
Several species compete strongly for the same reed stems in wetlands
throughout eastern England. Modelling work done in collaboration with Pej Rohani
and Stephen
shows that three mechanisms help maintain diversity in this little
community: intraspecific aggregation of eggs, resource partitioning at
the larval stage, and kleptoparasitism of the superior competitors by
the weaker species. Find out more in the following references:
T, Cornell SJ, Rohani P, (2006). Aggregation, intraguild
interactions and the coexistence of competitors on small ephemeral
patches. Oikos, 115: 321-333. PDF
This is a preprint of an Article accepted for
publication in Oikos © 2006 Blackwell Publishing.
T, (2003). Strong interactions between species of phytophagous fly: a
case of intraguild kleptoparasitism. Oikos 103:101-112. PDF
This is an electronic version of an Article
published in Oikos.
Transmission of malaria
dengue in Thailand - Markus Eichhorn
Malaria and dengue fever are mosquito-borne
diseases with immense
public health implications for the countries that harbour them. The
project (Predicting the RISKs of MOsquito-borne DisEases from Land use
is an attempt to provide an integrated model to describe the
transmission and
epidemiology of these diseases in northern Thailand.
As a member of the project, Markus Eichhorn is investigating the
influence of local land-use, detected using remote-sensing
techniques, on the abundance and community composition of mosquito
collected in ground surveys. Of particular interest are the effects of
which are diminishing in extent and becoming increasingly fragmented
within the
region, and orchards, which are replacing subsistence agriculture as
dominant agricultural practice in many villages.
More information about the broad aims and scope
of the project can be found here.
RISKMODEL is funded by the EU under the Quality of Life and Management
Living Resources Programme.
Above right: An example satellite image of one
of the
study villages. The purple patches indicate orchards, which are
expanding in
the region, while the green patches represent forests. Figure prepared
Sophie Vanwambeke.
A useful reference:
S.O., Lambin E.F., Eichhorn
M.P., Flasse S. P., Harbach R.E., Oskam L., Somboon P., van Beers S.,
Benthem B.H.B., Walton C. and Butlin R.K. (2007). Impact of land-use
change on
dengue and malaria in Northern
Ecohealth 4, 37-51.