Edward Tripp
Research Interests
I am researching the diversity and sustainability of
heathlands in the UK mainland. Heathland habitats once extended to some several million
hectares in Western Europe, but now their extent is limited to less than
350,000 ha. Not only is the total area of heathland being reduced, but the
number of fragments is increasing due to afforestation, conversion to
agriculture, and urban development. Heathland communities are also subject to
perturbation due to atmospheric pollution, specifically nitrogen. Information is required on species diversity in relation to
heathland habitat size, soil fertility as affected by nitrogen pollution, and
on sustainability under climate warming. My project intends to identify the
local and regional determinants of heathland vegetation composition and the
likely direction of future change. This will be achieved through a combination
of field and laboratory experiments. This project is part of the OPAL (Open Air Laboratories)
project, which intends to create and inspire a new generation of nature-lovers
by getting people of explore, study, enjoy and protect their local environment.
The OPAL initiative is funded by the Big Lottery Fund.
http://www.opalexplorenature.org/blog/797 |