Abdlrahman Abdlrahman (PhD, 2011)
Abdlrahman has now returned to Lybia to resume his
lectureship at the Protection dept .faculty of Agriculture Omar Mukhtar University.
My research focuses on insect herbivore communities and what
determines their composition. I am especially interested in how the
characteristics of plants determine what species feed on them and where. For
example, on altitudinal transects, it is likely that not only the environment
will change, but the characteristics of the plants themselves (leaf size,
nutritional content, toughness, number of buds). These changes in the
vegetation have important consequences for the insects feeding upon them. The relative palatability of a species also influences the
probability that it will be attacked by the local insect herbivores. For
example, a highly nutritious plant surrounded by heavily-defended plants is
likely to be severely damaged, while a heavily-defended plant will be ignored
by the local herbivores. My project will not only involve characterising the
vegetation and the insect herbivore communities, but also collecting
information on plant traits, conducting laboratory feeding trials, measuring
damage rates on plants in the field and carrying out transplant experiments.